Global Education

Global Studies Certificate

Wheaton Academy desires to see students carry out the mission statement of the school through developing cross-cultural relationships by exploring cultural identify, growing in empathy and trust, and deepening their understanding that the Gospel is global. Accordingly, we want to encourage students to engage in cross-cultural learning opportunities as an extension of the current academic and co-curricular programming. The Wheaton Academy Global Studies Certificate is designed to incentivize students to capitalize on the many opportunities to engage with the global community already present on Wheaton Academy’s campus.

Students can receive a Global Studies Certificate designation on their diploma and transcript by completing one of the following two options outlined below. Completion of the certificate also requires that students complete a portfolio for approval before the Global Studies Certificate committee.

Option One (Choose Four)

  • Travel abroad/intern abroad (Could be done as part of Winterim)
  • Take Comparative Government or AP Government
  • Take four years of a World Language
  • Local Service (across multiple venues) (30 hours each year or 120 total hours) – Attending/Serving at Kairos would count towards these hours
  • Host an International Student

Option Two

Seal of Biliteracy* AND (Choose Three)

  • Travel abroad/intern abroad (Could be done as part of Winterim)
  • Take Comparative Government or AP Government
  • Local Service (across multiple venues) (30 hours each year or 120 total hours) – Attending/Serving at Kairos would count towards these hours.
  • Host an International Student
  • Attend/Serve at Kairos

*Wheaton Academy Seal of Biliteracy Requirements based on the Illinois State Board of Education Requirements

1. English Proficiency Requirement
Students applying for the Illinois State Seal of Biliteracy or Commendation Award must demonstrate proficiency in English and an additional language. The SAT is the state academic assessment for high school. Districts may use results from the ISBE-provided SAT School Day administration or an alternate SAT session to determine whether a student meets the award’s English proficiency requirement, which is the English language arts/reading standard set by the state. On October 18, 2017, the Illinois State Board of Education approved a minimum English language arts (ELA) score of 540 to meet standards on the SAT.

2. Foreign Language Proficiency Requirement
Option 1. Students must score I5 or higher on the ACTFL Assessment of Performance toward Proficiency in Languages (AAPPL) Form B.
Option 2. Students must score 4 or higher on the Advanced Placement (AP®) Language and Culture exam.


  1. Student must complete an application and submit it to the World Language Department coordinating teacher.
  2. Student must provide the official scores on both the English and Foreign Language option of his/her choice (see above).
  3. World Language Department will communicate to Registrar that the Seal of Biliteracy Requirements have been met.
  4. Seal of Biliteracy with description will be added to transcript in “Awards or Recognitions” section of the transcript. If a student meets this requirement AFTER graduation, it can be added to transcripts (if the student is waiting for the AP exam score)