Wheaton Academy offers a variety of sports at the Varsity, Junior Varsity, and Club levels. Explore all our athletic teams here: https://wheatonacademy.org/athletics/sports/
Frequently Asked Questions

Our student body is made up of 660 students.
Our graduating class size is approximately 165 students.
Our student–teacher ratio is 11:1 and our average class size is 18.
The grading scale for all Wheaton Academy courses is as follows:
A+ (4.0) 97-100
A (4.0) 93-96
A- (3.7) 90-92
B+ (3.3) 87-89
B (3.0) 83-86
B- (2.7) 80-82
C+ (2.3) 77-79
C (2.0) 73-76
C- (1.7) 70-72
D+ (1.3) (67-69)
D (1.0) 63-66
D- (0.7) 60-62
F Below 60
Our graduates are prepared for college because of our academically rigorous programs, opportunities for co-curricular activities and clubs, and outlets for community engagement. Wheaton Academy students have been accepted into some of the most prestigious colleges in the United States. Click here to see a snapshot of the schools where Wheaton Academy students have been accepted over the last five years.
Wheaton Academy requires regular daily attendance. Typically, students who exceed 12 absences per semester may be withdrawn from the class because of the significant impact of missing class on the learning process. However, sometimes due to extenuating circumstances, a student might be given special consideration to remain in the class and might have to take the class as Pass/Fail. Find more information on our attendance policies here in the Parent-Student Handbook.
Christian parents and educators discipline students out of love for them and to the desire that they live a Christ-centered life. Discipline is intended to help students learn to choose desirable behaviors instead of unacceptable ones. When students make wrong choices, Wheaton Academy seeks to help redirect, guide, heal, and restore. Our goal is that hearts are changed, and better choices are made in the future. It is also important that students are prepared to make wise choices when parents and educators are not around, not to simply be controlled. The goal is to slowly and surely replace adult discipline with self-discipline on the student’s part. To read more about the principles that guide Wheaton Academy’s Philosophy of Student Discipline, access page 33-38 of our Parent-Student Handbook here.

We require that students power off and refrain from accessing their cell phones, earbuds, and smartwatches throughout the school day, from the first bell to the final bell or assembly dismissal. Students may not access phones between classes or during lunch. Students do not need to turn in their phones; instead, they should be powered off or in airplane mode in a locker, backpack, or someplace else that is not on their person.
You can find more information about our cell phone policy here.
Wheaton Academy students use a variety of technological devices in their academic and personal lives. The presence of technology both in school and in the lives of students is everywhere. At Wheaton Academy, this technological environment is an incredible opportunity to teach students to use technology in a way that is responsible and productive, connecting members of the community to each other. When students are given a piece of technology, Wheaton Academy’s training goes beyond just how to use the device. It challenges students not only to use the device to create an inspired project, but also to ask themselves, “How is technology shaping me as a person?” Read more about our technology goals for students here on page 29 of our Parent-Student Handbook.
Yes, we are! Students will be assigned a Dell Latitude 3340 (1:1 Device) for the school year that they can use for both personal and educational purposes. They may take their 1:1 Device anywhere they like, including off campus. Students enrolled for the following school year may keep the 1:1 Device over the summer. Upon graduation or earlier transfer from school, the assigned devices will be returned to Wheaton Academy.
We want students to be comfortable, but we also expect that a Wheaton Academy student’s appearance should meet basic professional standards. As a learning community committed to excellence, we expect students to dress in ways that are appropriate and create this type of learning environment. Access our dress code here on pages 24 and 25 of our Parent-Student Handbook.
Access our weekly bell schedule here: https://families.wheatonacademy.org/bell-schedule/
Students may bring a lunch or purchase one at school. The cost of lunch for the 2024-2025 school is $8.25. The cost includes the entree, side, dessert, and a bottle of water. Students may also purchase items from our à la carte at varied pricing. Students purchase lunches in-person using their Push Coin account accessed through their student ID.
Lunches are provided through different catering venues each day including Chick-fil-a, Panera Bread, Panda Express, and Lou Malnati’s.
Students are welcome on campus before and after school. Their Student ID cards give them access to the buildings from 6:45am-5:00pm M-F
Please see this campus map resource page for pick-up and drop-off location.
If you’re nervous about drive-time, consider these encouraging words from current Wheaton Academy parents who drive 30+ minutes to school every day: https://wheatonacademy.org/distance/
If you are interested in carpool options, our Admissions team would be glad to connect you with other families in your area via our online carpool directory.
Faith and Spiritual Life
Our Statement of Faith may be found here: https://wheatonacademy.org/about/statement-of-faith/
Wheaton Academy is not affiliated with a denomination, but our statement of faith is consistent with evangelical protestant Christianity. The statement affirms features of the historic Christian creeds and identifies the Academy not only with the Scriptures, but also with the Reformers and the evangelical movement of recent years.
We gather twice a week for chapel services on Tuesdays and Fridays. A typical chapel service includes a time of worship led by one of our student-led chapel bands followed by a time of teaching. Recent guest speakers include Wess Stafford, Preston Perry, and Annie Downs. All our chapel services are livestreamed, and you are welcome to watch them online here: Chapel
Yes. Our Bible curriculum sequence may be found here in our High School Roadmap on page 10.
No, there is not a service requirement. Instead, we encourage students to view service as an organic, ongoing part of their lives. We also offer a number of formal service opportunities through partnerships with organizations like Puente Del Pueblo, Feed My Starving Children, and KidsAlive International. We encourage our students to engage service opportunities here on campus, in our local community, and around the globe.
Community & Co-Curriculars
Your student isn’t alone! Our student body is made up of students from over 70 different middle schools and 200 different churches. Many of our current students didn’t know anyone before enrolling. Here are a few of the ways that we help students establish community and find friends right away:
- Freshman Launch: This day is designed to help your student start well by building community with the freshman class.
- Project IX Senior mentors: The day that freshmen step foot onto Wheaton Academy’s campus, they are greeted by leaders from the senior class and welcomed into a small group to help with the transition into high school.
- Advisory Groups: Our advisory program not only ensures that every individual student has a faculty mentor but also makes space to deliver valuable content that isn’t easily covered in the traditional curriculum. Students spend time weekly in advisory where they develop College Readiness skills and build discipling relationships.
If your student is feeling nervous about finding new friends at Wheaton Academy, hear directly from students who felt the same way: https://wheatonacademy.org/belonging/
Homeschooling parents who made the switch to Wheaton Academy describe their experience here as a continuation and extension of their efforts at home. Hear directly from parents and students as they talk about this experience here: https://wheatonacademy.org/homeschool-to-wa/
Wheaton Academy families come from every direction. Our student body is scattered throughout the western suburbs in cities including Wheaton, Glen Ellyn, Lombard, Naperville, Carol Stream, Aurora, Wayne, Elmhurst, St. Charles, Bartlett, and Geneva. Wheaton Academy families represent 70 different zip codes reaching as far as Plano, Sycamore, and even Indiana.
You can find a list of our co-curricular offerings here: https://wheatonacademy.org/student-life/
To find detailed information about how to get involved with each activity, explore this page: https://families.wheatonacademy.org/co-curriculars/
Cost & Financial Aid
We know that Christian education is a significant investment. We wouldn’t be here if we didn’t believe wholeheartedly in our mission—to nurture growth in students through relationships, excellence, and service to the glory of God.
Our students do not have to choose between a strong academic experience and a grounded Christian community. A Biblical worldview is embedded in our academically rigorous programs, expansive arts opportunities, and our competitive athletics program. In every class and co-curricular activity, students are discipled by faculty and sharpened by our Kingdom Community culture. We partner with parents to set a strong foundation for students to flourish in high school and beyond as we prepare them to steward their gifts to serve Christ’s kingdom. The quality of the educational experience we offer here is confirmed by our National Blue Ribbon status.
As you continue to consider what’s next for your student, we also wanted to share some encouragement from our current parents. We asked these parents to speak from the heart about why Wheaton Academy is worth it. Here’s what they wanted to share with you: https://wheatonacademy.org/is-it-worth-the-cost/
YES! Wheaton Academy is committed to making Christian Education affordable for families. In order to receive a Financial Aid package, you must also complete an Admissions application and be accepted. Eighty percent of available funds are distributed by the end of February each year. We encourage new families to apply by December 31 to be considered for aid awards in January. Learn more about Financial Aid here.