Fine Arts

Visual & Media Arts

At Wheaton Academy, you will have the opportunity to develop the studio disciplines of drawing, painting, ceramics and sculpture as well as the media disciplines graphic design, photography and video. Whether you are a beginner just “checking things out” or a serious artist looking to develop a professional level portfolio for your college application, there is a place for you in our art department. You will receive differentiated instruction based on your unique needs and experience and receive frequent feedback from your teachers and peers to direct the progression of your work in real time.

Visual and Media Arts Courses

Media Arts Courses

Intro to Media Arts

Video Production


Graphic Design I


Sports Broadcasting
Advanced/Competitive Video

Visual Arts Courses

Intro to Ceramics

Intro to Illustration

Intermediate Ceramics

Intermediate Illustration


Advanced Ceramics

Advanced Illustration

Pre-AP Studio Art

AP Studio Art