STEM AT Wheaton Academy

The MASTER Program

MASTER stands for Mathematics, Applied Science, Technology, Engineering, and Research. Every student at Wheaton Academy participates in the MASTER Program by taking math and science classes throughout high school. In addition to the core math and science classes, the MASTER program also provides students with cutting edge STEM opportunities in robotics, technology, engineering, and laboratory research. In doing so, we hope to train leaders with the skills and wisdom to serve as God’s people in some of the most exciting and innovative fields in the world today.

MASTER Electives


Students enrolled in the robotics courses at Wheaton Academy live at the intersection of design, engineering, and programming.

Activities Include…

Progress from building LEGO Mindstorms projects to competing on the VEX platform • Program and fly drones • Print new robot designs using our 3D printers • Create and Program RC Cards • Print an arduino-controlled robotic dragon using our 3D printers


Students enrolled in the engineering classes at Wheaton Academy learn the ways innovative technology and a design mindset offer new solutions to existing problems.

Activities Include…

Develop equipment for chemistry labs • Design sets for musicals • Create a laser-guided putting aid Prototype a powered brace to reduce arthritic symptoms • Build a GO Kart using Laser CNC • Design and build an aquaponics system


Students enrolled in the engineering classes at Wheaton Academy learn the ways innovative technology and a design mindset offer new solutions to existing problems.

Activities Include…

Develop equipment for chemistry labs • Design sets for musicals • Create a laser-guided putting aid Prototype a powered brace to reduce arthritic symptoms • Build a GO Kart using Laser CNC • Design and build an aquaponics system


Students enrolled in the research courses at Wheaton Academy learn the value of knowing the way to ask the right kinds of questions.

Activities Include…

Publish research in the Academic Journal Ratio • Collaborate with university professors on research projects • Examine the effects of soil toxicity in plants • Explore levitating objects with sound waves • Develop a test for GMOs in food
Student builds server in co-curricular club

Meet the MASTER Students Who Built a Server

“Managing a project with hundreds of moving pieces is an incredible challenge that is both difficult and extremely rewarding. The Server Project has allowed me to learn about computer technology in a way that is usually reserved for hard-to-get internships at large cloud providers, and will surely provide a stepping stone for my future.
– Peter Sorenson ’21

Download the Master Program Booklet

Students throughout the MASTER program accomplish incredible things. Download this free booklet today to learn why the program exists, details about the curriculum courses and electives, example activities, and stories from our students.

Many 2021 MASTER Scholars are Pursuing STEM Careers in College…

Rose Hulman
Wheaton College


Luke Regan, Science Department Head

Contact Luke Regan

Science Department Head


Luke Regan holds an MA in Secondary Science. He worked as a visiting research specialist at the University of Illinois studying the genetics of neuroblastoma and potential molecular therapeutics. At Wheaton Academy, Luke runs the MASTER Program and teaches research and the intersection of faith and science.