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Wheaton Academy truly cultivates an intense desire for excellence within the student body, but not an excellence as the world understands it—fame, success, riches. According to the Word of God, there’s only one who is truly excellent, Jesus Christ. Wheaton Academy taught me that true excellence is about falling forward into Christ’s arms and stewarding the gifts He has given me for His glory.

Isaac LoCascio

Elizabeth Deiter

Being in a place like Wheaton Academy, surrounded by others who follow Jesus is such a blessing. As you go out from here, remember that God’s faithfulness extends beyond the walls of Wheaton Academy. His love penetrates every obstacle you face. Be free in Christ and seek others who also delight in serving the Lord. And with every step you take to further the kingdom of heaven here on earth, give God the glory for his work in and through you!

Elizabeth Dieter

Read Senior Reflections

We asked some seniors a few questions about their experience at Wheaton Academy. Read what they had to say here.

Christ set us free from our imperfect selves. He frees us to continue to grow and change toward him. God has a plan for all of us, and change is part of that plan. Hebrews 6:19 says that we have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure: Christ Jesus never changes even when things are changing all around us. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. He is our firm foundation.

Vander England

Vander England
Sumana Danielson

Lowercase “s” success is about the small accomplishments in our lives—getting an A on that difficult test or winning a golf match. But uppercase “S” Success is the glory that we bring to the Lord through our actions. It is how we embody the person of Christ in our daily lives. Wheaton Academy taught me the importance of uppercase “S” Success. By observing and interacting in the community here at Wheaton Academy, I’ve learned what a life of true success looks like—living a life with Christ at the center.

Sumana Danielson

A Parent Perspective

The community here challenges students to take on the daily habits that will shape them to become more like Jesus. This kind of growth lasts. It has eternal value long after the touchdowns have been scored, and the papers have been written. I believe that it’s the commitment to this kind of growth that makes Wheaton Academy really different. 

Justin, parent of a 2023 graduate, shares a reflection at Baccalaureate