SEnior Trip 2021

In 2021, a senior trip was anything but a foregone conclusion; however, thanks to careful planning, our senior class had the opportunity to travel to Florida in late March. Filled with gratitude, students enjoyed spending time with friends at the Disney parks, at Universal Studios, and on the beach.

A rite of passage for Wheaton Academy students, the trip is designed to create a space for guided reflection. This year, Vice Principal Brad Thornton led students in three sessions, looking back on their four years in high school and casting a vision for the next season of life. The sessions were framed around a passage from Numbers 11 – 14. In this passage, God’s people are preparing to enter the promised land. While the people are tempted to focus on their challenges, Moses calls them to remember how God has been faithful in the past. Likewise, students recalled God’s faithfulness in their lives and had opportunities to express a personal vision for the next season of life.

I felt so loved and surrounded by my class and will forever be grateful for the time we had to bond over senior trip!

Mr. Thornton talked about preparing our hearts for the transition that we are all about to begin. Change is hard and that it can often be where things fall apart. But when we trust that God will guide us and provide for us, we can learn so much and thrive off of these transitions.


I will never forget the moment when Mr. Thornton asked us how we respond to God when he says, “I love you.”


Students share reflections during the Senior Trip in 2021
Seniors visit universal studios on senior trip

The senior talk was incredible. I saw so much growth in everyone! It made me realize that I want to be more involved with others in my year. God really brought us together through that talk.


I think the thing that really opened up my mind was living courageously. God is always here for you and he meets you were you are and you need to open up you heart take a chance and listen to him completely.


The most meaningful thing Mr. Thornton shared with me was the idea that we should not focus on the problems that WILL arise in our lives, but rather focus on the God who solves problems and answers prayers.


I loved how open everyone was when sharing. Wheaton Academy has really shaped students into people who are selfless and caring of others. 


Students enjoy a new Harry Potter ride at Universal Studios